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MacLear: Vanguard
MacLear: Vanguard

"The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong... but time and chance happen to them all."

Clan MacLear is a roleplay guild, essentially. We began on September 30th, 1997, as Hand of Virtue in a game called Ultima Online with the greeting, "Mi faultich thu co sàor neach !"

If you're interested in an online family of mature gamers, consider joining us via the link below.

Join Clan MacLear

Author: Agonisties; Oct 2001

Founder, Agonisties, wrote this short poem shortly after we began in Dark Age of Camelot.

The Invasion to Come

Arthur's people with armor bright,
Come to fight our realm tonight.

Siol Lear with tempers high
Will bring you now your chance to die.

We shall not let them slay our brethren,
Rape our beasts, and steal our children.

Siol Lear is honor bound.
They shall not hold our sacred ground.

Steel your hearts and raise your ire.
We will show them Odin's fire.

Armor'd hosts that took our passes,
Burned our homes, and killed our lasses.

Ere we're through, You shall know fear.
You face the rage of Siol Lear.

© Chris Chandler 2006.